Deng Xiaojun

Teacher College:School of Economics

Name (English):Deng Xiaojun

Name (Pinyin):dengxiaojun

Date of Birth:1981-04


Education Level:博士研究生



Administrative Position:副院长

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Paper Publications

  • 邹静,Deng Xiaojun. 家庭住房租购选择之谜 ———基于主客观社会地位的视角,财经论丛:2019-03-15
  • 宋松,许有鹏,吴志峰,Deng Xiaojun,王强. The relative impact of urbanization and precipitation on long-term water level variations in the Yangtze River Delta,Science of the Total Environment:2019-01-15
  • 韩龙飞,王璐涵,陈慧敏,许有鹏,孙峰鹏,Kyle Reed,Deng Xiaojun,李文凯. Impacts of Long‐Term Urbanization on Summer Rainfall Climatology in Yangtze River Delta Agglomeration of China,Geophysical Research Letters,卷49 期13:e2021GL097546:2022-07-16
  • Deng Xiaojun. Correlations between water quality and the structure and connectivity of the river network in the Southern Jiangsu Plain, Eastern China,Science of the Total Environment,卷: 664 页: 583-594:2019-05-10
  • Deng Xiaojun,许有鹏,韩龙飞,宋松,徐光来,项捷. Spatial-temporal changes in the longitudinal functional connectivity of river systems in the Taihu Plain, China,Journal of Hydrology:2018-11-01
  • 谢玲,Deng Xiaojun,卢月燕,严土强. 广西石漠化地区土地利用空间变化的生态风险研究,中国农业资源与区划,2019年第8期:2019-08-15
  • Deng Xiaojun,许有鹏. Degrading flood regulation function of river systems in the urbanization process,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,卷622页1379-1390:2018-05-01
  • 韩龙飞,许有鹏,Deng Xiaojun,李中悟. Stream loss in an urbanized and agricultural watershed in China,Journal of Environmental Management,253: 109687:2020-01-01
  • Deng Xiaojun,许有鹏,韩龙飞. Impacts of human activities on the structural and functional connectivity of a river network in the Taihu Plain,LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT:2018-08-01
  • 钟章奇,陈朱莉,Deng Xiaojun. Dynamic change of inter-regional virtual water transfers in China: Driving factors and economic benefits,Water Resources and Economics,39卷100203:2022-07-01
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