吕佳敏,Huang Wenli,李适,朱梦莹. Can the digital economy development limit the size of the informal economy? A nonlinear analysis based on China's provincial panel data,Economic Analysis and Policy,卷83页896-921:2024-09-01
吴冕,Huang Wenli,刘小泉,孟庆欣. Firm connection and equity return predictability – Graph-based machine learning methods,The British Accounting Review,101436:2024-06-01
Huang Wenli,Zhou, Fengbo,Yu, Chenkang,胡月,Zhang Hong,Xu Yueling. Momentum effect and contrarian effect in China's A-share market, under registration-based system,PACIFIC-BASIN FINANCE JOURNAL,卷: 81:2023-10-01
Huang Wenli,张楠,陈勇,Xu Yueling. Research on the Efficacy of the iVIX Index Based on VIX Pricing,Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,60(8):1670-1690:2023-12-31
Huang Wenli,朱远浩,李适,Xu Yueling. Institutional investor heterogeneity and systemic financial risk: Evidence from China,Research in International Business and Finance,卷68:2024-01-01
Huang Wenli,Shi Li,Qi Zhang,Zhen Qi. Macro disagreement and international stock markets,Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money,Volume 81, November 2022,101659:2022-11-01