王正新,陈雁南. “汇改”以来人民币实际有效汇率波动的非线性机制——基于平滑转移自回归模型的实证研究,金融理论与实践:2016-06-15
王正新,郝鹏. An improved grey multivariable model for predicting industrial energy consumption in China,Applied Mathematical Modelling:2016-06-05
王正新,朱洪涛. Testing the trade relationships between China, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand using grey Lotka-Volterra competition model,Kybernetes:2016-05-15
王正新,叶德俊. 浙江省新能源产业发展的现状与对策,科技与产业论坛:2016-02-15
王正新. 多变量时滞GM(1,N) 模型及其应用,控制与决策:2015-11-25
王正新. A Predictive Analysis of Clean Energy Consumption,Economic Growth and Environmental Regulation in China Using an Optimized Grey Dynamic Model,Computational Economics:2015-09-15
王正新,裴玲玲. Forecasting the international trade of Chinese high-tech products using an Fourier Nash nonlinear grey Bernoulli model,2014 Seventh International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization:2014-12-31
王正新. 时变参数GM(1, 1) 幂模型及其应用,控制与决策:2014-10-20
王正新. On the Admissible Region of Non-homogeneous Class Ratio for Grey Resource Model,Journal of Grey System:2014-09-15
王正新. 灰色多变量GM(1,N)幂模型及其应用,系统工程理论与实践:2014-09-09