zou jing Master Tutor

Teacher College:School of Finance

Name (English):zou jing

Name (Pinyin):zoujing


Education Level:博士研究生


Contact Information:glss2008@126.com;zj2020@zufe.edu.cn

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Paper Publications

  • zou jing,姚黎明,王佰涛,张宇,Deng Xiaojun. How does digital inclusive finance promote the journey of common prosperity in China?,Cities,150:105083:2024-07-01
  • zou jing,吴缚龙,张芳珠,徐梦冉,刘思遥. The social integration of rural migrants in urban China: The effect of hometown land tenure,Population Space and Place,30卷第5期:2024-07-01
  • zou jing,王强,鄢慧丽,Deng Xiaojun. 数字经济如何影响绿色全要素生产率?——来自中国地级市的证据,软科学,2024,38(3): 44-52.:2024-03-28
  • zou jing,陈杰,陈瑜. Hometown landholdings and rural migrants' integration intention: The case of urban China,Land Use Policy,2022年第121卷,106307:2022-10-01
  • zou jing,Deng Xiaojun. The association between settlement intention and migrant entrepreneurship in China: Explanation from human capital and risk aversion,Habitat International,137: 102852:2023-07-01
  • zou jing,Deng Xiaojun. The effect and mechanism of neighbourhood choice on socioeconomic integration of migrants: Evidence from China,Journal of community psychology,49卷第2期620-650页:2021-03-01
  • zou jing,Deng Xiaojun. The complex association between migrants’ residential community choice and subjective well-being: Evidence from urban China,Growth and change,52卷第3期1652-1679:2021-09-01
  • zou jing,Deng Xiaojun. Spatial differentiation and driving forces of migrants'socio-economic integration in urban China: Evidence from CMDS,Social indicators research,159 期3 页1035-1056:2022-02-01
  • zou jing,Deng Xiaojun. 数字普惠金融、金融素养和家庭收入贫困,产业经济评论,第5期,P70-85:2022-09-25
  • zou jing,Deng Xiaojun. 居住社区选择、主观认知和流动人口的城市身份认同,人口与发展,2021,27(03);页码:2-17:2021-05-29
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