Guan YanJun Master Tutor

Teacher College:School of Public Administration

Name (English):Guan YanJun

Name (Pinyin):guanyanjun


Education Level:博士研究生

Business Address:1号楼205C办公室




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    [1] 2022年8月~Now, 浙江财经大学

    Research Project

    [1]适应性循环框架下露天矿区重建植被演进的过程模拟与优化响应,进行,2024年度国家自然科学基金青年项目,Guan YanJun

    [2]露天矿区重建植被的时空演进机制及引导修复策略研究,进行,Guan YanJun,Chen Sha,Lv YueFeng,樊翔,黄雨涵

    [3]共富示范区“两山”论的转化成效与交互机制研究,进行,2023浙江省教育厅一般科研项目,Guan YanJun,Chen Sha,Lv YueFeng,Wang PeiZhen

    [4]县域层面村庄布点规划研究-永康市、常山县为例,进行,Guan YanJun,Xue Jibing,Wang PeiZhen,Guo Yufei,Yu Haisu,huangmingrou

    [5]海盐县百步镇桃北村千亩方永久基本农田集中连片整治项目,进行,Guan YanJun,Xue Jibing,魏宁,李海生

    [6]海盐县百步镇横港村千亩方永久基本农田集中连片整治项目,进行,Guan YanJun,Xue Jibing,魏宁,李海生

    [7]2022年度海盐县城乡建设用地增减挂钩实施方案(五),进行,Guan YanJun,Xue Jibing,魏宁,李海生

    [8]2022年度海盐县城乡建设用地增减挂钩实施方案(一),进行,Guan YanJun,Xue Jibing,魏宁,李海生


    [1]王娟,Guan YanJun,王宏宇,张惠中,周伟. Evaluation of farmland production potential in key agricultural production areas on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau under multi-scenario simulation,Science of the Total Environment,v 951,:2024-11-15

    [2]王娟,Guan YanJun,王宏宇,周伟. Identifying and monitoring of abandoned farmland in key agricultural production areas on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: A case study of the Huangshui Basin,Journal of Environmental Management,354 (2024) 120380:2024-03-01

    [3]周伟,Guan YanJun. 重建植被视角下露天煤矿区土地复垦演替过程及管控模式研究,煤田地质与勘探,50卷12期;页码:65-74:2022-12-25

    [4]Guan YanJun,周伟,曹银贵,王娟,白中科. Delimiting supervision zones to inform the revision of land reclamation management modes in coal mining areas: A perspective from the succession characteristics of rehabilitated vegetation,Land use policy,131:2023-08-01

    [5]王宏宇,Guan YanJun,王娟,周伟,马蓉蓉. Monitoring the ecological restoration effect of land reclamation in open-pit coal mining areas: An exploration of a fusion method based on ZhuHai-1 and Landsat 8 data,Science of the Total Environment,904 (2023) 166324:2023-12-15

    [6]Guan YanJun,王娟,周伟,曹银贵,白中科. 露天矿区土地复垦适应性管理:内涵解析与框架构建,中国土地科学,2023年02期:102-112,11:2023-02-15