Long Huaigang

Teacher College:Yingyang School of Financial Technology

Name (English):Long Huaigang

Name (Pinyin):longhuaigang

Date of Birth:1989-06

Education Level:博士研究生

Business Address:3号楼302C



Contact Information:longhuaigang@zufe.edu.cn

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  • Basic Information
  • Scientific Research
  • Teaching Achievments
  • Enrollment Information
    Educational Experience

    [1] 2011年8月~2018年6月, 浙江大学 ,金融经济理论 ,博士研究生

    [2] 2006年9月~2010年6月, 重庆大学 ,统计学 ,大学本科

    Work Experience

    [1] 2021年6月~Now, 浙江财经大学

    [2] 2018年7月~2021年6月, 浙江大学经济学院(博士后)

    Research Project




    [1],Long, H., Y. Jiang. and Y. Zhu*. Idiosyncratic Tail Risk and Expected Stock Returns: Evidence From the Chinese Stock Markets,Finance Research Letters(24):2018-01-01

    [2],王俊豪, 王慧和龙怀钢.. 资本监管、银行规模与小微信贷激励,经济学家(08):2022-01-01

    [3]Long Huaigang,Chiah, Mardy,Zaremba, Adam,Umar, Zaghum. Changes in shares outstanding and country stock returns around the world,Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money,卷: 90:2024-01-01

    [4]Long Huaigang,Chiah, Mardy,Cakici, Nusret,Zaremba, Adam,Bilgin, Mehmet Huseyin. ESG investing in good and bad times: An international study,Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money,卷: 91:2024-03-01

    [5]AdamZaremba,an J.Szczygielskif,Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin,Aleksander Mercik,Long Huaigang. Up or down? Short-term reversal, momentum, and liquidity effects in cryptocurrency markets,International Review of Financial Analysis,Volume 78:2021-11-01

    [6]Long Huaigang,Zaremba, Adam,Bouri, Elie,周闻宇. Macroeconomics matter: Leading economic indicators and the cross-section of global stock returns,Journal of Financial Markets,卷61:2022-12-31

    [7]Mardy Chiah,Zaghum Umar,Adam Zaremba,Long Huaigang. Trade competitiveness and the aggregate returns in global stock markets,JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL,148:2023-03-01

    [8]戴逸明,王慧,Long Huaigang,Adam Zaremba,蒋岳祥. Does realized skewness predict the cross-section of Chinese stock returns?,Finance Research Letters,卷58子辑B:2023-12-01

    [9]蒋岳祥,付涛,Zaremba Adam,Long Huaigang,周闻宇. Real estate climate index and aggregate stock returns: Evidence from China,Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,75 : 101841:2022-12-31

    [10]Zaremba, Adam,Long Huaigang,Demir, Ender,Cakici, Nusret. When bad news is good news: Geopolitical risk and the cross-section of emerging market stock returns,Journal of Financial Stability,58: 100964:2022-02-01






    Enrolment Information
