Wang Lu Master Tutor

Teacher College:School of Business Administration

Name (English):Wang Lu

Name (Pinyin):wanglu

Education Level:博士研究生

Business Address:管理学院5-309A




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  • Basic Information
  • Scientific Research
  • Teaching Achievments
  • Enrollment Information
    Work Experience

    [1] 2017年11月~Now, 浙江财经大学

    Social Affiliations

    [1] 2022年1月~Now, 全国研究生教育评估监测专家库专家

    [2] 2021年6月~Now, 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金-项目评审专家

    [3] 2021年6月~Now, 广东省科技厅-高层次人才评审专家

    Research Project

    [1]面向电商平台企业信用风险的预测方法与可解释性分析研究,进行,2024年度教育部人文社科一般项目青年基金项目,Wang Lu,Chen Yuangao,Zhu Liyuan,Ma JIngLing,顾建阳,俞则成,郑家皓,史成龙

    [2]面向缺失值和非均衡类别面板数据的财务危机预测多层次集成模型研究,完成,2018年度国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,Wang Lu,Chen Yuangao,姜辉,揭婉晨,张捷,虞佳,朱磊


    [1]Wang Lu,Chen Yuangao,姜辉,Yao Jianrong. Imbalanced credit risk evaluation based on multiple sampling, multiple kernel fuzzy self-organizing map and local accuracy ensemble,Applied Soft Computing,91: 1-13:2020-06-01

    [2]Yao Jianrong,郭相良,Wang Lu,姜辉. An evolutionary game and system dynamics approach for the production and consumption of carbon-labeled products-based on a media monitoring perspective,Journal of Environmental Management,360:2024-06-01

    [3]Wang Lu,郑家皓,Yao Jianrong,Chen Yuangao. A multi-stage integrated model based on deep neural network for credit risk assessment with unbalanced data,KYBERNETES,APR 2024:2024-04-01

    [4]Wang, Zhongyi,Xiao, Jin,Wang Lu,Yao Jianrong. A novel federated learning approach with knowledge transfer for credit scoring,DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS,卷: 177:2024-02-01

    [5]Wang Lu. Imbalanced credit risk prediction based on SMOTE and multi-kernel FCM improved by particle swarm optimization,Applied Soft Computing,114: 1-14:2022-01-15

    [6]Wenyao Zhang,Ruzhi Xu,Wang Lu. Investigating the Complex Relationship between Financial Performance and Company’s Green Behavior: A Comparative Analysis,DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY,2021卷1-14页:2021-06-19

    [7]Wang Lu,Pavel Rousek,Simona Hašková. Laffer curve-a comparative study across the V4 (visegrad) countries,Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues,9(2): 433-445:2021-12-31

    [8]王鲁,吴冲. Business failure prediction based on two-stage selective ensemble with manifold learning algorithm and kernel-based fuzzy self-organizing map,Knowledge-Based Systems,卷: 121 页: 99-110:2017-04-01

    [9]王鲁,吴冲. A Combination of Models for Financial Crisis Prediction: Integrating Probabilistic Neural Network with Back-Propagation based on Adaptive Boosting,International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems,卷: 10 期: 1 页: 507-520:2017-01-01

    [10]Wang Lu. Financial distress prediction for listed enterprises using Fuzzy C-Means,Littera Scripta,12卷1期169-177页:2019-08-01


    [1]Wang Lu , 郑家皓,Chen Yuangao,Yao Jianrong,面向不平衡数据集多阶段集成模型的信用风险评估方法,2022-07-06



