Wang WanRu Master Tutor

Teacher College:School of Business Administration

Name (English):Wang WanRu

Name (Pinyin):wangwanru

Date of Birth:1995-04

Education Level:博士研究生

Business Address:5-307




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  • Basic Information
  • Scientific Research
  • Teaching Achievments
  • Enrollment Information
    Educational Experience

    [1] 2018年9月~2021年6月, 南京大学 ,图书情报与档案管理 ,博士研究生

    Work Experience

    [1] 2021年8月~Now, 浙江财经大学

    Research Project

    [1]基于多类型学术实体语义关联的知识扩散机理及演化路径研究,进行,2022国家自然科学基金青年项目,Wang WanRu


    [1]Wang WanRu,Wei, Shelia X,Ye, Fred Y. Extracting a core structure from heterogeneous information network using h-subnet and meta-path strength,Journal of Informetrics,15(3) 101173:2021-08-10

    [2]Tong Tong,Wang WanRu,Fred Y. Ye. A complement to the novel disruption indicator based on knowledge entities,Journal of Informetrics,卷18期2:2024-05-01

    [3]Song Xu,Kannan Govindan,Wang WanRu,Wenting Yang. Supply chain management under cap-and-trade regulation: A literature review and research opportunities,International Journal of Production Economics,271 (2024) 109199:2024-05-01

    [4]叶鹰,朱秀珠,魏雪迎,王静静,Wang WanRu. 从ChatGPT爆发到GPT技术革命的启示,情报理论与实践,202346(06): 33-37.:2023-06-30

    [5]Chen Yong,Wang WanRu,Chen Xiqun Michae. Bibliometric methods in traffic flow prediction based on artificial intelligence,Expert Systems With Applications,228: 120421.:2023-10-15

    [6]Wang WanRu,叶鹰. 多层和异构信息网络及应用研究进展,情报理论与实践,2022,45(10): 195-202.:2022-10-30

    [7]Shelia X. Wei,Tong Tong,Ronald Rousseau,Wang WanRu,Fred Y. Ye. Relations among the h-, g-, 𝜓-, and p-index and offset-ability,Journal of Informetrics,16(4): 101340.:2022-11-01

    [8]王静静,叶鹰,Wang WanRu. ChatGPT类AI-GPT技术应用对图书馆信息处理的变革探析,图书馆理论与实践,2024年01期:122-127+136,7:2024-01-10

    [9]王静静,叶鹰,Wang WanRu. GPT类技术应用开启智能信息处理之颠覆性变革,图书馆杂志,2023,42(05):9-13.:2023-05-15