[1] Surong Yan, Kwei-Jay Lin*, Haosen Wang. Toward Lightweight End-to-End Semantic Learning of on-line Human Activity Recognition for Enabling Ambient Intelligence. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 36(11):7157-7170,2024.11. (CCF A类, SCI index)
[2] Chenglong Shi, Surong Yan*, Haosen Wang, Lei Cheng. Knowledge-Guided Semantically Consistent Contrastive Learning for Sequential Recommendation., Neural Networks, online,2025.2. (CCF B类, SCI index)
[3] Haosen Wang,Pan Tang*,Linghong Zhou,Chenglong Shi,Can Xu,Pengfei Zheng,Surong Yan,Chunqi Wu. A Structure Redefined Graph Pre-training with Contrastive Prompting for Fake News Detection. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems,online,2025.1 (CCF C类, SCI index)
[4] Jianrong Yao, Ling Jiang, Chenglong Shi, Surong Yan∗, Fake review detection with label-consistent and hierarchical-relation-aware graph contrastive learning. Knowledge-Based Systems. 302 (2024 ) 112385,2024. (CCF C类,SCI Index)
[5] Surong Yan, Chenglong Shi*, Haosen Wang,Lei Cheng, Ling Jiang,Ruilin Guo, Kwei-Jay Lin*. Teach and Explore: A Multiplex Information-guided Effective and Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Recommendation. ACM Transactions on Information Systems. .42(5):120:1-26,2024.9. (CCF A类, SCI index)
[6] Surong Yan, Chongyang Li*, Haosen Wang , Bin Lin , Yixian Yuan. Feature Interactive Graph Neural Network for KG-Based Recommendation, Expert Systems With Applications,237(2024):121411,2024.3. (CCF C类,SCI Index)
[7] Haosen Wang, Surong Yan∗, Chunqi Wu, Long Han, Linghong Zhou. Cross-View Temporal Graph Contrastive Learning for Session-Based Recommendation. Knowledge-Based Systems,264(2023):110304-110315,2023.3. (CCF C类,SCI Index)
[8] Surong Yan, Haosen Wang*, Yixiao Li, Chunqi Wu, Long Han, Chenglong Shi, Ruilin Guo. Metapath-Guided Dual Semantic-Aware Filtering for HIN based recommendation. The Journal of Supercomputing, 79(2023): 11934-11964,2023.3. (SCI Index)
[9] Surong Yan*, Kwei-Jay Lin, Xiaolin Zheng, Haosen Wang. LkeRec: Toward Lightweight End-to-End Joint Representation Learning for Building Accurate and Effective Recommendation. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 40(3):54:1-54:28,2022.7. (CCF A类, SCI index)
[10] 姚建荣,王忠义,王鲁,张哲斌,姜辉,严素蓉. A hybrid model with novel feature selection method and enhanced voting method for credit scoring. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 42(3) :2565-2579, 2022. (SCI Index)
[11] Surong Yan, Haosen Wang, Yixiao Li*,Yuan Zheng, Long Han. Attention-aware Metapath-based network embedding for HIN based recommendation. Expert Systems With Applications, 174 (2021):1-12. (CCF C类,SCI Index)
[12] Surong Yan*, Kwei-Jay Lin, Xiaolin Zheng, Wenyu Zhang. Using Latent Knowledge to Improve Real-Time Activity Recognition for Smart IoT. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2020,32(3):574-587. (CCF A类, SCI index)
[13] Zhenqiu Huang , Kwei-Jay Lin*, Bo-Lung Tsai, Surong Yan, Chi-Sheng Shih. Building edge intelligence for online activity recognition in service-oriented IoT systems. Future Generation Computer Systems.2018, 87(2018):557-567.( SCI index)
[14] Surong Yan*, Kay-Jay Lin, Xiaolin Zheng, Wenyu Zhang, Xiaoqin Feng.An Approach for Building Efficient and Accurate Social Recommender Systems Using Individual Relationship Networks. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2017, 29(10): 2086-2099.(CCF A类, SCI index).
[15] 严素蓉*,冯小青,廖一星. 改进的基于矩阵分解的社会化推荐模型. 清华大学学报自然科学版,2016,56(7):793-800.
[16] Su-Rong Yan, Xiao-Lin Zheng*, Yan Wang, William Wei Song, Wen-Yu Zhang. A Graph-Based Comprehensive Reputation Model: Exploiting Social Context of Opinions to Enhance Trust in Social Commerce. Information Sciences, 318(2015):51-72. (CCF B类Index).
[17] Surong Yan, Xiaolin Zheng*, Deren Chen, Yan Wang, Exploiting Two-Faceted web of trust for Enhanced-quality Recommendations. Expert Systems with Applications, 2013, 40(17):7080-7095. (CCF C类SCI Index)
[18] Su-Rong Yan, Xiao-Lin Zheng*, De-Ren Chen, Wen-Yu Zhang, User-Centric Trust and Reputation Model for Personal and Trusted Service Selection. International Journal of Intelligent Systems,2011,26(8):687-717.( CCF C类SCI Index).
[19] Vilho Räisänen著,吴晓波,陈琦,严素蓉译,《服务建模:原理与应用》,浙江大学出版社,2010.
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于边缘计算和群智感知的智能服务自适应推荐与优化研究(61972337),2020.01-2023.12,主持.
[2] 国家自然科学青年基金项目,融合网络环境下情景感知的个性化推荐机制(61502414), 2016.01-2018.12,主持.
[3] 浙江省然科学青年基金一般项目,社会计算环境下多策略融合的个性化推荐机制(LQ14F010006),2014/01-2016/12,主持.
[4] 浙江省高等学校课程思政项目,浙江省高等学校课程思政示范基层教学组织,2021- ,主持.
[5] 杭州经济技术开发区金沙英才人才项目,基于情景感知的网络环境个性化推荐系统创业项目(2018028),2018.06-2020.06, 主持.
[6] 国家社会科学基金一般项目, 免接触服务的用户行为、服务模式与政策支持研究, 2021.09-2025.06.30, 3/8.
[7] 国家社科基金一般项目,社交媒体中基于群体深度交互的信任生成(17BTQ067),2017.06-2020.06, 3/9.
[8] 浙江省科技计划项目,面向云计算的Battery智能机器日志分析系统(2016C54002),016.12-2019.12,4/16.
[9] 横向项目,面向边缘计算场景的智能推荐系统技术支持服务.2024.6.15-025.6.30,1/7.