Zheng Song Doctoral Supervisor   Master Tutor

Teacher College:School of Data Sciences

Name (English):Zheng Song

Name (Pinyin):Zhengsong


Education Level:博士研究生

Business Address:6号楼409


Administrative Position:副院长

Contact Information:szh070318@zufe.edu.cn

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Paper Publications

  • 郑松. Adaptive-impulsive projective synchronization of drive-response delayed complex dynamical networks with time-varying coupling,nonlinear dynamics:2012-03-15
  • 郑松. Analyzing projective synchronization on different scaling factors in a drive-response coupling dynamical network with time-varying delays,Nonlinear Dynamics:2012-10-20
  • 郑松,L.Zheng. Impulsive synchronization of bidirectionally coupled chaotic systems,physica scripta:2013-09-02
  • 郑松. Exponential synchronization of two nonlinearly non-delayed and delayed coupled complex dynamical networks,PHYSICA SCRIPTA:2012-01-11
  • 郑松. Stability of uncertain impulsive complex-variable chaotic systems with time-varying delays,ISA transactions:2015-11-04
  • 郑松. 不确定复混沌系统的自适应脉冲同步和参数识别,nonlinear dynamics:2014-04-01
  • 郑松. Impulsive complex projective synchronization in drive-response complex coupled dynamical networks,nonlinear dynamics:2015-01-15
  • 郑松. 复系统的自适应脉冲同步和参数识别,Nonlinear Dynamics:2014-04-10
  • 郑松,毕勤胜. Adaptive synchronization of two nonlinearly coupled complex dynamical networks with delayed coupling,Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat:2012-01-02
  • 郑松. Adaptive-Impulsive Function Projective Synchronization for a Class ofTime-Delay Chaotic Systems,Complexity:2015-11-12
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