qihanying Master Tutor

Teacher College:China Institute of Regulation Research

Name (English):qihanying

Name (Pinyin):Qi Hanying

Date of Birth:1990-10

Business Address:学术中心306



Contact Information:qihanying90@zufe.edu.cn

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  • Basic Information
  • Scientific Research
  • Teaching Achievments
  • Enrollment Information
    Educational Experience

    [1] 2016年9月~2020年6月, 中央财经大学 ,产业经济学 ,博士研究生

    [2] 2013年9月~2016年3月, 浙江财经大学 ,管制经济学 ,硕士研究生

    [3] 2009年9月~2013年6月, 浙江财经大学 ,金融学 ,大学本科

    Work Experience

    [1] 2022年8月~Now, 浙江财经大学 ,中国政府监管研究院 ,助理研究员

    [2] 2024年8月~Now, 浙江财经大学 ,浙商资本研究院 ,兼职研究员

    [3] 2020年8月~2022年8月, 浙江财经大学(博士后)

    Research Project



    [3]"五财指数"编制与试点测算优化研究,进行,Li Yongyou,lixiang,Wang Chao,Wu Xing,Ye Ning,Ling Chen,Hu Junhui,Wang Chunyuan,Zhao Gang,qihanying,gonglilin

    [4]金融科技条件下中国财富管理业创新发展研究,完成,Wu Xing,chenxiang,CaiWenxin,qihanying,杨明远,Han Jing


    [1]. Social capital dilemma in joint liability lending,Economic Modelling,145(107014):2025-01-01

    [2]. The impact of bank FinTech on commercial banks’ risk-taking in China,International Review of Financial Analysis,90(102944):2023-01-01

    [3]. Does Fintech change the market power of traditional banks in China?,Journal of Business Economic and Management,卷 23,期 5,页1060-1083:2022-12-31

    [4]. The impact of climate change on banking systemic risk,Economic Analysis and Policy,78:2023-01-01

    [5]. The optimisation of public health emergency governance: a simulation study based on COVID-19 pandemic control policy,Globalization and Health,19(1):1-19:2023-12-04

    [6]. The impact of task description linguistic style on task performance: a text mining of crowdsourcing contests,industrial management & data systems,Vol.122, No.1, pp.322-344:2022-01-03

    [7]. How to co-exist with COVID-19? A health economics explanation based on the Chinese experience,Journal of Global Health,2022年12卷:2022-07-16

    [8]. Digital Health Literacy: Bibliometric Analysis,Journal of Medical Internet Research,2022年24卷第7期1-26页:2022-07-05

