zhoudan Doctoral Supervisor   Master Tutor

Teacher College:School of Business Administration

Name (English):zhoudan

Name (Pinyin):Zhou Dan


Business Address:管理学院楼(5号楼)417室


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    Research Project











    [1]周丹,张新悦,郭京京,Dai Weiqi. 政-企数字化导向一致性驱动数字服务化转型研究,科研管理,2024 45(11), 141-150:2024-11-20

    [2]zhoudan,翟蕾,胡胜蓉,吴启红. 制造企业数字服务化: 内涵解析、 研究演进与整合框架构建,财经论丛,7:91-101:2024-07-10

    [3]Xuerong Peng,Jiajia Zhu,Seoki Lee,Dan Zhou,Wenhao Song,Tianyu Ying. Digital transformation in the hospitality industry: A bibliometric review from 2000 to 2023,International Journal of Hospitality Management,120:2024-01-01

    [4]Dan Zhou,Mingqing Liao,Weiqi Dai. How long-term orientation affects corporate entrepreneurship: The role of entrepreneurs’ prior experience,Journal of Management & Organization,30:2024-01-01

    [5]Dan Zhou,Qihong Wu,Seoki Lee,Xin Li,Kai Sun,Xuerong Peng. Unpacking the mechanism linking digital servitization and manufacturing firm performance: The role of the service networks and slack resources,Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing,39(2):2024-01-01

    [6]Dan Zhou,Mika Kautonen,Weiqi Dai,Hui Zhang. Exploring how digitalization influences incumbents in financial services: The role of entrepreneurial orientation, firm assets, and organizational legitimacy,Technological Forecasting & Social Change,173:2021-01-01

    [7]Dan Zhou,Tingting Yan,Weiqi Dai,Junzheng Feng. Disentangling the interactions within and between servitization and digitalization strategies: A service-dominant logic,International Journal of Production Economics,238:2021-01-01

    [8]Dan Zhou,Tingting Yan,Lilong Zhao,Jingjing Guo. Performance implications of servitization: Does a manufacturer’s service supply network matter?,International Journal of Production Economics,219:2020-01-01

    [9]Dan Zhou,Mika Kaunonen,Hecheng Wang,Lin Wang. How to interact with knowledge-intensive business services: A multiple case study of small and medium manufacturing enterprises in China,Journal of Management & Organization,23(32):2017-01-01

    [10]周丹,张慧,王核成. 便利者还是传递者?知识型服务机构对制造企业创新的桥梁作用剖析,科学学与科学技术管理,36(9):2017-01-01


    [1]魏江,周丹,The Role of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services in Innovation System: The Case of China. In: Toivonen, M. (eds) Service Innovation. Translational Systems Sciences, vol 6. Springer, Tokyo.,2016






    [3]Management Communication

